Health Information

Do you suffer with eczema? These supplements will help you with this itchy skin condition.

Dry, itchy and cracked skin are just some of the unpleasant symptoms which come with eczema a common skin condition. While typical creams are usually recommended as treatment, they don’t…

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Why you should take probiotics if prescribed antibiotics

You get ill and are prescribed anti-biotics, these will make you feel better right? Not necessarily. Antibiotics work by killing bacteria – but they don’t discriminate between the good and…

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Your Autumn Survival Guide

Autumn allergies and how to survive them! Summer is viewed as the classic hay fever season – with both grass and tree pollen causing allergic symptoms, but actually Autumn has…

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Are you thinking of going dairy-free?

It seems to be more and more common to hear that someone has a dairy allergy, lactose intolerance or has simply chosen to cut dairy out of their diet. Why…

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) impact more than 400 million people. Symptoms can be painful, embarrassing and isolating, but you’re not alone and there ARE…

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Candida – everything you need to know.

What is Candida? Candida otherwise known as Candida Albicans is a common yeast that lives naturally and in harmony in our intestines. It is kept in check by the beneficial…

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Does bread give you “brain fog”?

Does your lunchtime sandwich make you want to reach for the duvet and grab 40 winks? Does it leave you with “brain-fog” for no reason? Then there is a possibility…

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World Microbiome Day – what does it mean?

World Microbiome Day 27th June Microbiomes can have a bad reputation for causing disease. But, in actual fact, the vast majority of microbes do not cause any harm, and many…

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Turmeric – is it all hype?

Turmeric – is it all hype? Turmeric seems to be the supplement buzz word of the moment! A member of the ginger family it is most commonly used to flavour…

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Why should you regularly detox your body?

Detox – What is it? Nowadays, you will often hear people referring to the fact that they are “on a detox”. This might be because they have enjoyed a period…

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