Allergic Rhinitus

Liver Clear v2 (SN145) 3pp_FP200ML_side

20% of the population are affected by allergic rhinitis.*Royal College of Physicians 2003 Report Allergy the Unmet need

Simple management tips that will help reduce symptoms include:

  • Wearing wraparound sunglasses whilst outside.
  • Sleeping with the windows closed at night, or invest in pollen screens.
  • A smear of Vaseline around the nostrils will help prevent pollen going on to the soft tissues inside the nose.
  • Washing your hair and changing your clothes when you get in from work or school stops pollens from being taken into the bedroom, preventing symptoms that can cause disturbed sleep.
  • Starting medications such as antihistamines and eye drops a couple of weeks before your symptoms usually rather than waiting until you get the tell tale symptoms of hayfever will help keep things in control.
  • Taking medications everyday throughout the season, not just when it is warm and sunny will also help manage symptoms more effectively.


[1] Walker S, Khan-Wasti S, Fletcher M, Cullinan P, Harris J, Sheilh A,. 2007. Seasonal Allergic rhinitis is associated with a detrimental effect on examination performance in United Kingdom teenagers: Case control study.

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