Allergy Friendly Gardening

Due to global warming, warmer climates andover-planting of male plants, trees, etc we are seeing a huge rise in level ofseasonal pollens, and those who with allergies are in store for another brutalallergy season.
Here are some strategies to help reducesuffering and promote allergy friendly gardening!
Tip 1 – DO try to eliminate weeds from yourgarden, which can aggravate spring allergies.
Tip 2 – Go for an allergy friendly garden and plant less allergy prone plants such as:azalea, begonia, bougainvillea, orchid, periwinkle, gladiolus, bulbs (tulip,iris, poppy and daffodil), palm, pine, fir and dogwood tress, hibiscus,boxwood, and yucca shrubs and Irish moss.
Tip 3 – Avoid planting: Amaranthus,Chrysanthemum dahlia, sunflower, black-eyed Susan, zinnia, privet and lilac aswell as Juniper, Bermuda and Rye grass.
Tip 4 – Keep grass cut short and flower beds weed free.
Tip 5 – The fragrances of roses, star jasmine,narcissus, gardenia, lily of the valley, and citrus and eucalyptus trees arethe most common plants whose fragrances can make some people sneeze. If you’resensitive, you want to keep away from these plants!
Tip 6 – Avoidance is the best method of preventing an allergic reaction to poisonousplants such as poison sumac or oak.
Tip 7 – If you are allergic to moulds, avoid damp places such as forests and a body of stagnant water.
Tip 8 – Avoid touching your eyes and nose while gardening, this transfers the pollensdirecting to these areas.
Tip 9 –Take advantage of rainy, cloudy or windless days, which usually have lowerpollen counts (some sufferers can be sensitive to “wet mould spores” .
Tip 10 – After gardening leave your clothing outside of your bedroom,brush off your shoes and rinse off your glasses to remove unwarranted allergyproducing substances.
Tip 11 – Work in your garden during evening hours, when pollen counts are lower, andlimit your time to short intervals on high pollen days.
Tip 12 – Take a holiday by a body of water, suchas lake, river and beach where pollen levels are typically lower
Tip 13 – Wash wisely. Avoid wearing hair gels that serve as a “pollen magnet” on highpollen days and gently wash eyelids and face and hair at night before enteringyour bedroom to prevent pesky pollens from winding up on your pillow and bedsheets.
Tip 14 – Be a star! Go for big sunglasses (especially on windy days) to block out pollenentry into your eyes and eyelids.
Tip 15 – Wear a wide brimmed hat or sombrero to reduce wind borne pollens from landingon top of your head.