Candida – everything you need to know.

What is Candida?
Candida otherwise known as Candida Albicans is a common yeast that lives naturally and in harmony in our intestines. It is kept in check by the beneficial bacteria that it co-exists with. But, under certain circumstances, it can become what is known as an “opportunistic pathogen” which produces a wide array of symptoms.
How does this happen?
There are several factors which can cause candida albicans to overgrow. If you frequently use steroidal drugs and antibiotics this can depress the levels of the beneficial bacteria. Oral contraceptives induce hormone changes which can increase candida levels. Diets high in nutrients on which yeast thrive (i.e. sugars and other refined simple carbohydrates) encourage this yeast overgrowth. Factors which depress the immune system can allow the opportunistic pathogen to quickly multiply – steroidal drugs, frequent infections and a poor diet in general.
How do I know if I have Candida?
Symptoms of candida overgrowth can be very diverse. The yeast cells are thought to have fungus-like properties and attach themselves to the intestines by “roots”. This causes damage to the wall of the intestine making it “leaky”. If left unchecked, it breaks down the walls of the intestinal lining and penetrates into the bloodstream. This releases by product toxins and other toxins from your system, causing leaky gut syndrome.
This leads to an immune reaction and inflammation which causes symptoms like bloating, migraine, diarrhoea and other allergy type reactions. Bacteria can ferment undigested food particles which leads to further bloating and flatulence.
Candida produces toxic by-products which weaken the already compromised immune system and leave the sufferer fatigued and drained. One of the toxins is acetaldehyde, which is the same chemical found in excessive amounts in cheap wine and is responsible for hangovers. Many candida sufferers often report feeling chronically “hung over”.
Other problems associated with candida are frequent nose, ear and throat infections, mood swings, premenstrual syndrome, muscular aches and pains and cravings for sweet sugary foods, as well as frequent urogenital infections including itching and discharge.
How can I treat Candida?
In order to bring candida under control naturally, various methods may be employed. A low yeast, low carbohydrate diet, coupled with nutritional supplements to help boost the immune system, along with natural antifungal agents to destroy the candida, and probiotics (which are beneficial bacteria to help redress the balance of the gut) can all be used simultaneously.
The Devon Allergy Clinic have successfully treated many patients who have been suffering with Candida, through a full analysis of diet, lifestyle and supplements to help you feel better quickly we can create you a plan that is easy to follow.
If you are suffering with any of the above symptoms and would like further advice contact us @ The Devon Allergy Clinic on 01803 401001 or email [email protected].