Love Your Gut?

I am a Love your Gut Supporter and Expert…. find out more here: Love your Gut Experts and Supporters Get in touch for any concerns and advice… Marlene

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Dairy Intolerant?

Read the article in today’s Mail. The Allegy Clinic in the subject of the article is the Devon Allergy Clinic. I am one of few allergy specialists in the country… Contact me to see how I can help you: Shelley Coleman, 47, from Plymouth, had severe hay fever symptoms Her eyes would stream, nose would…

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The Infection That Changed My Life…

Ferbie: The infection that changed my life Dawn Carpenter suffered for years with a sugar and yeast intollerence. It was only a year ago that she found out she had ‘Ferbie’ living inside her stomach. No more sugar or yeast. She spoke to Sara-Beth Rowland about her story. When you start to live a diet…

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Are You Allergic To Politicians?

Allergy is a very misused diagnosis. It is mainly to do with a tiny white cell in your blood exploding and releasing very irritant chemicals one being histamine. This is called an IgE meditated response. It is no good politicians just getting under the skin to be a potential allergen they has to get into…

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MOOD ALTERING BACTERIA – INTRIGUING DEVELOPMENTS IN THE BRAIN/GUT AXIS In the past few years it has become public knowledge that gut microbiota can affect a wide range of physical conditions such as obesity,IBS & various allergies & food intolerance conditions. The latest research however shows that your gut bacteria can have a significant effect…

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This last week has seen two very important research documents published the first for the prevention of allergy and the second connection to probiotics / colonic microbiome.   The WAO are now advocating the use probiotics for the prevention of infantile eczema. . This supports clinical trials from Swansea University . Arch Dis Child…

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Gut Reaction…

It all starts with the gut… If our digestion and gut are not functioning our body and mind do not function to there optimum . It is therefor important to work with our gut not against it. Unfortunately are modern Western diet does just that. There are two other factors that are also vital to…

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Are You Allergic To The Cold?

Brrr it’s cold out there! But can you actually be allergic to the weather? As most people know, allergy triggers change with the seasons. However, it is the weather patterns and temperature swings themselves causing allergens rather than seasonal pollens? According to recent research, allergic reaction to cold temperatures. Also known as cold hives, the…

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National Obesity Week

his week is Obesity Awareness Week and we all recognise that eating more healthily is one of the simplest changes most of us can make to improve out health and lose weight. But knowing what to change and how can seem a bit daunting. Healthy eating is not just about eating the right foods –…

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