Adult Allergies

Hard to believe, but too much cleanliness may be to blame If you never had allergies as a child but now find yourself affected by dust, dander, mould and pollen that leave you coughing, sneezing and wheezing,you might place the blame on too clean a home in childhood. This Hygiene Hypothesis is one of the…

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Eosinophil Esophagitis

Patients who have outgrown their food allergies can develop eosinophilic esophagitis as a reaction to the same foods, a new study shows. “Two to 4 years later, they come back with a different allergy,” said Jonathan Spergel, MD, chief of the allergy section of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. “Initially, they are getting…

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Bloating and Distension

Bloating can be described as the feeling that there is an inflated balloon in the abdomen. It is a commonly reported symptom and is sometimes associated with distension, or the visible increase in the width of the area between your hips and chest (abdominal girth). Both bloating and distension cause discomfort and sometimes pain. They…

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Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as “acid reflux”, is a chronic symptom of damage to the mucus membrane lining of the stomach or the oesophagus. where acid from the stomach leaks up into the oesophagus (gullet). Although acid reflux is common, diagnose may be difficult because it resembles the symptoms of many other conditions, but…

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Hair Dye Allergy

A “Memorandum on hair dye substances and their sensitising properties” adopted during the 10th Plenary of the SCCP on 19 December 2006, summarised the evaluation on the 48 hair dye substances that had been assessed by the SCCP at that time. 27 of the dyes were noted to fulfil the EU criteria for classification as…

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Did you know that as a person living in England you have a number of rights that you are entitled to? It is important that you understand these rights if you are a person living with atopic dermatitis (also known as atopic eczema) These rights have been set out by NHS, alongside a number of…

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Help! I’m confused about my gut health….

You’ve watched the programs about gut health but how do you pull all that together for yourself? Digestive Health has become much more important to use over the last decade with more and more people talking about their personal digestive health, stomach issues and health complaints! Channel 4 have even produced a show called ‘Know…

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How to self manage common asthma triggers Common Asthma TriggersAsthma triggers are materials, conditions, or activities that either worsen asthma symptoms or cause an asthma flare-up. Asthma triggers are common, which is precisely what makes them so troublesome. In some cases, avoiding all of your asthma triggers can be difficult. However, with a little planning,…

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Allergenic Matrix

THE ALLERGY MATRIX EXPLAINED What do we mean by the allergy matrix? Basically, if you have one allergy there is often a comorbidity with other allergies. For example, with rhinitis – a constant runny nose – you may know you suffer from hay fever and you suffer the symptoms mainly in the summer. But why…

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Allergy and Weight Control

Having tried the usual diets a fresh approach should be looking at food allergies hypersentities and intolerance. When dieting and regular exercise won’t help you lose weight, it might be a food intolerance or allergen that’s to blame. Although some allergies are fast-acting and found early because of symptoms like hives, others often remain unknown…

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