Hayfever Injection – What it is and why I DON’T offer it.

Hayfever Kenalog Injection What is it? The Kenalog Hayfever injection is a steroid injection that suppresses the immune system to reduce the severity of Hayfever symptoms. Injection into the buttock (gluteal) muscle. This is known as an IntraMuscular (IM) injection.  Why would you have it? Treatment of severe hay-fever, that is resistant to alternative treatments:…

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Allergy Season – likely to become longer and more intense.

According to new research from the University of Michigan, allergy seasons are likely to become longer and more intense as a result of the increasing temperatures caused by human made climate change. It is thought that by the end of this century, pollen emissions may begin 40 days earlier in the spring than we saw…

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Nutrition – Why it so important

What is nutrition and why it is vital for health Nutrition is the study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet health and disease. Why are nutrients important? Carbohydrates, fat, proteins, minerals, vitamins, fibre and water provide nourishment to the body and mind enabling us to grow and…

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Health Advice for People with Asthma

Asthma Uk have released some very helpful information about the Coronavirus and people who suffer with asthma. At The Devon Allergy Clinic we would highly recommend familiarising yourself with this information if you are a sufferer of asthma as there is some excellent advice on how to deal with the pandemic. https://www.asthma.org.uk/advice/triggers/coronavirus-covid-19/  

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Telephone Consultation

Can’t attend the clinic? Book your one hour phone consultation on 07810 750940 for just £49 today. Now is an ideal time to address your symptoms which will continue regardless of the Coronavirus. See our symptom checker below:

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Helping you to keep as healthy as possible.

Keep as healthy as possible by supporting your immune system with ImmunoBiotic Complex which is a potent UK-made 5 strain, live bacteria supplement (from a 10 billion CFUs source powder), in easy to take capsules. Each capsule contains 2 billion organisms from: Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Streptococcus Thermophilus, Bifidobacterium Bifidum. With scientifically proven immune…

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Gut dysbiosis (candida yeast overgrowth) and how to deal with it.

(Candida) Yeast overgrowth – the basics When people talk about yeast overgrowth in the body, they are referring to harmful yeast organisms. Candidiasis is by far the most common type of yeast infection, and there are more than 20 species of Candida, the most common being Candida albicans (a type of fungus). We all have…

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How to avoid allergies on Valentines Days

Valentine’s Day that time of the year that has the potential to be the most romantic day of the year for love birds young and old!  Time when couples look back on their relationships and discuss their love for the future. But, lurking behind the most common gifts given on Valentines is the potential to…

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