Health Information

Antibiotics and gut microbiotica (flora)

Good health begins with balance in the body, particularly in the digestive system.  Inside our bodies there are twenty times more bacteria than living cells, and maintaining the correct balance…

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Acai berries

Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berries have become incredibly popular in the form of dietary supplements over the past few years, both in capsule and powder form. This is in no small…

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What’s in my food?

In this modern age of processed foods and the widespread use of artificial chemicals to enhance everything from taste and appearance to shelf life, you can no longer take it…

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What is Eczema and what causes it?

It has been estimated that 15 million people in the UK could be living with Eczema. Research informs us that where there is a breakdown of the skin barrier this…

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Did you know that as a person living in England you have a number of rights that you re entitled to? It is important that you understand these rights if…

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Reflections on February from The Devon Allergy Clinic

This month I want to reflect on children  I Started the month being invited to a new playgroup for toddlers with allergy in Exeter. Flamingo’s playgroup opened its doors this…

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Fibre – Is it important in your diet?

What is Fibre? Fibre is the indigestible parts of plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and legumes. It is type of a carbohydrate that helps keep our digestive…

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Reflections from The Devon Allergy and Digestive Health Clinic

January is drawing to a close & what a diverse  month it has been! My first patient this month came to me with simple allergy/ hypersensitive symptoms. In the previous few…

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How Digestive Enzymes can help you beat the festive bloat.

Christmas is just a stone’s throw away and the season brings lots of opportunities to over indulge, but don’t panic all this eating and drinking doesn’t have to cause havoc.…

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Can probiotics protect your family from winter illnesses?

As the leaves fall and the seasons change, so too comes the dreaded cold and flu season.  We all do our best to keep ourselves and our families healthy but…

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