Love You Gut Awareness Week

As part of “Love your gut awareness” Yakult are hosting a training day in London . Unfortunately I am unable to attend but I am a Member of the distinguished panel of experts. My interest in this is multi-disciplinary since as well as being an Allergist I am a Home Perentral Nutritional nurse. Gut flora…

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National Eczema Awareness Week

National Eczema Week 2014 has kicked off today with a series of helpline events, the first being today in Union Square, Torquay Apologies to those who don’t have eczema but do have a read to give you an insight into the wonderful world of eczema and taming the itch. In 2005 Eczema affected around 5.7…

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Can We Prevent Allergies Whilst The Child Is In The Womb?

Sometimes it seems as though we are ruled by what we can’t do.. Don’t do this, don’t do that – don’t eat this don’t eat that. When a woman is pregnant these rules are rammed home even more, some of them such as don’t smoke make perfect sense and some such as don’t eat blue…

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Sam Faiers

Sam Faiers is a former TOWIE star that has now lent her support to the charity Love Your Gut which helps people become more aware of how important it is to have good digestive health Sam, 24, has suffered with Crohn’s disease and allowed herself to have a design of the digestion system painted on…

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Top 5 Tips To Beat The Summer Snuffles

1. Reduce your stress Try to reduce your stress levels. The survey showed a clear link between stress and the severity of hay fever symptoms. Almost seven out of 10 stressed-out hay fever sufferers rate their symptoms as unbearable or debilitating. As stress levels drop, symptoms become milder. For tips on how to deal with…

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Acne Creams Can Cause Allergic Reaction

Last Wednesday the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have announced that some over-the-counter acne treatments can cause severe irritation or allergic reactions Some acne skin treatments contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid . Some products may cause dryness of the skin but can escalate to itching burning and peeling in some cases.…

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New Eczema Drop In Clinic

Eczema drop in support group 21st March 9.30-11.30 Venue New Devon Clinic 55 Hyde Road Paignton TQ4 5BP Contact Marlene 01803401001 Ditch The Itch!! A new drop in group is starting in Paignton for eczema sufferers of all ages. With the support of the Eczema Society – see their web site. Marlene Hochstrasser Independent Specialist…

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