Health Information

Dark Eye Circles Under Eyes

Under eye dark circles are one of the most common dermatological complaints. They result from issues such as stress, lack ofsleep or plain ill luck in the skin department. Sometimes,…

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Don’t Let Allergies, Asthma Haunt Halloween Fun

Six Hidden Triggers to Avoid Halloween can be a frightful time for parents of kids with allergies and asthma. Nut-filled sweets isn’t the only bogeyman that can ruin the fun.…

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Migraine And Food Allergy

Food Allergies May Be Cause of Unexplained Migraines Kirk Bernard | Aug 08, 2011 | for people who suffer occasional migraine headaches that seem to have no trigger, one potential…

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DON’T LET HAY FEVER GET UP YOUR NOSE THIS SUMMER For millions with hay fever, summer means suffering from symptoms like sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes. But it doesn’t…

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Allergic Rhinitus

20% of the population are affected by allergic rhinitis.*Royal College of Physicians 2003 Report Allergy the Unmet need Simple management tips that will help reduce symptoms include: Wearing wraparound sunglasses…

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Histamine Intolerance

Histamine Intolerance = Headaches, diarrhoea, rashes and a sudden drop in blood pressure? Increasing proportion of European population being identified as Histamine Intolerant Intolerance sufferers – dire lack of diagnosis…

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Allergy In Children

External Press ReleaseEuropean Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) 21 Feb, 2011 09:00 CETEAACI: Food allergies in children cause anxiety and loneliness, have dramatic impact on their quality of…

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Allergy Week

ALLERGY expert Marlene Hochstrasser is backing a national campaign to highlight food allergy and intolerance. Registered nurse and qualified allergy practitioner Marlene, who is director of the Devon Allergy Clinic,…

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Christmas Allergies

CHRISTMAS ALLERGIES During the holiday season many people experience an increase in their allergic symptoms, often in these four areas: Skin allergy such as eczema and urticaria (hives) Rhino sinusitis,…

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Indoor Allergy Week

PRESS RELEASE – October 2010 Know your mites from your moulds – The Allergy Devon Clinic supports Indoor Allergy Week ALLERGY expert Marlene Hochstrasser is backing a campaign to raise…

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