Crohn’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease

What is Crohn’s disease? Named after Dr. Burrill Bernard Crohn, the physician who first described the condition in 1932, Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder – a broad title used to describe any condition which involves the intestines becoming swollen, inflamed and ulcerated. Ulcerative colitis is another example of an Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).…

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Why do I have constipation?

Almost everybody experiences constipation at some point in their lives – bowel movements that become less frequent and more difficult to pass. It is a very common disorder of the digestive tract which can affect anybody, but it is most common amongst women (particularly during pregnancy), the elderly and young children. Although common, it is…

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St Valentine’s Day Allergy Nightmare.

St Valentine’s Day Allergy Nightmare that could spoil your day. February 14th is always a romantic time for couples but this can be impacted if one person suffers from allergy or food intolerance. There are several issues that may conspire to ruin a romantic evening. Don’t let them! the Food. Potential food allergy reactions can be avoided…

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Gluten/Wheat intolerance or Coeliac Disease?

It is all too common to hear people saying that they are “intolerant”, “sensitive” or allergic to certain foods. At the top of the list are dairy, lactose, wheat, yeast, sugar, additives and gluten, but there are many others. The question is, why is this now so prevalent? Is it that there is actually a…

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GPs one symptom approach will fail allergic patients

According to new guidelines from the Royal College of GPs (RCGPS) patients are now only being allowed to discuss one symptom per 10 minute appointment despite often having to wait for up to a month to get an appointment Dr Stokes – Lampard head of the Royal College stated “I am saddened that we have…

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Digestive disorders and the bloat this January!

Still suffering from digestive disorders post festive season. Trying to understand and regulate your symptoms .  Help is at hand. Most people, especially women, recognise that uncomfortable feeling when their stomach suddenly swells up like a balloon, often accompanied by stomach pain and flatulence. This may be triggered by, for example, eating the wrong kinds…

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How to accommodate special diets during the holiday season.

How to accommodate special diets during the holiday season. The holiday season is upon us, which means plenty of gatherings that revolve around food. This can create anxiety for hosts and attendees alike, as food sensitivities and special diets seem to be more prevalent than ever. What is the etiquette regarding asking hosts to accommodate…

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An insulated home can cause a build up of VOCs

As the weather gets colder people who have insulated their  home well may have a build up of VOCs. they may  feel a warm & cosy glow thinking that they are keeping well.This can be deceptive as toxic air trapped in new & refurbished homes causes an increase in allergy and  asthma according to Professor…

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Evolution of The Devon Allergy Clinic

The Devon Allergy Clinic has evolved over the last ten years. Initially I started diagnosing potential allergies which are an IgE (Immunoglobulin E) meditated response but soon realised that non IgE, intolerance and digestive disorders were often what my patients presented with. In fact allergies, such as rhinitis, are not the primary reason for patients…

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