Are you thinking of going dairy-free?

It seems to be more and more common to hear that someone has a dairy allergy, lactose intolerance or has simply chosen to cut dairy out of their diet. Why is this? While milk has traditionally been a mainstay of the British diet (with the UK consuming as much as 40% of the EU’s dairy…

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) impact more than 400 million people. Symptoms can be painful, embarrassing and isolating, but you’re not alone and there ARE solutions! The summit starts on the 3rd September and is free to join. Just register your details at IBS and SIBO Summit

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Candida – everything you need to know.

What is Candida? Candida otherwise known as Candida Albicans is a common yeast that lives naturally and in harmony in our intestines. It is kept in check by the beneficial bacteria that it co-exists with. But, under certain circumstances, it can become what is known as an “opportunistic pathogen” which produces a wide array of…

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Does bread give you “brain fog”?

Does your lunchtime sandwich make you want to reach for the duvet and grab 40 winks? Does it leave you with “brain-fog” for no reason? Then there is a possibility you may be gluten intolerant, a protein which is found in wheat and rye. In a recent survey of patients with either coeliac or a…

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World Microbiome Day – what does it mean?

World Microbiome Day 27th June Microbiomes can have a bad reputation for causing disease. But, in actual fact, the vast majority of microbes do not cause any harm, and many are essential for plant, animal and human life. taking care of “good” may be more important then destroying “bad” microbes. A world without microbes is…

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Turmeric – is it all hype?

Turmeric – is it all hype? Turmeric seems to be the supplement buzz word of the moment! A member of the ginger family it is most commonly used to flavour and colour Indian dishes, This brightly coloured spice contains a yellow coloured chemical called Curcumin and it is this element that has all the super…

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Why should you regularly detox your body?

Detox – What is it? Nowadays, you will often hear people referring to the fact that they are “on a detox”. This might be because they have enjoyed a period of over-indulgence,or may simply be a means of “spring cleaning” their body. Either way, many people feel that they get a much-needed boost from a…

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A perfect storm of pollen is about is start

A perfect storm of pollen is about to start. Due to months of snow, ice and freezing temperatures trees have delayed releasing pollen. Trees produce pollen when certain temperatures are reached and sustained before they release their pollen. Birch, Horse Chestnut, Alder, and Hazel are the main culprits. The season usually starts end of February…

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Probiotics and fish oil supplements during pregnancy and breast-feeding may reduce the risk for food allergies and eczema in early childhood,

Pregnancy Probiotics and fish oil supplements during pregnancy and breast-feeding may reduce the risk for food allergies and eczema in early childhood,Posted on: April 6, 2018 by Marlene New evidence now indicates Probiotics and fish oil supplements during pregnancy and breast-feeding may reduce the risk for food allergies and eczema in early childhood, researchers report.In…

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You have a food intolerance, and here’s why

A food intolerance (otherwise known as non-allergic food hypersensitivity), is a condition of the digestive system. It involves some form of negative reaction, which is caused by the body’s inability to properly digest a particular food, food additive or other compound found in food (or drink). Food intolerances are far more common than true food…

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