Most Common Causes Of Allergies?

What are the foods that most people are allergic to? In the list is probably peanuts, milk, eggs, wheat, crustaceans, shellfish, tree nuts, fish and soybeans – there may be more? How do these reactions occur? They are not always immediate…. Reactions do vary. Some symptoms include rashes and itchiness, but some some a fatal…

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Vitamin D For Infant Food Allergies

A new study examined the relationship between food sensitivity and levels of vitamin D in infants. The study found that “significant differences in (Vitamin D) levels were found between groups on number and degree of food sensitization. Vitamin D deficiency increased the risk of sensitization to food allergens, especially to milk and wheat.” The study…

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Women’s Hormones Put Them At Greater Risk Of Allergic Rections

Women are more likely to suffer deadly allergic reactions because of their hormones, a study has warned. Oestrogen, the primary female sex hormone, worsened allergic reactions in lab tests, researchers found. When people suffer anaphylaxis – an allergic reaction triggered by food, medication or insect stings and bites – immune cells release enzymes that cause…

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Hope For Peanut Allergy Sufferers

From today’s Mail Online A patch to stop peanut allergy sufferers having potentially fatal reactions has been developed by a French firm, and could hit the shelves by in just two years. The patch administers small amounts of peanut allergens into the outer layers of the skin, which will help sufferers become less sensitive to…

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Don’t Let Allergies Ruin Your Christmas

We all want a merry Christmas, with no stress and a big family dinner. However, for some, Christmas can be a stressful time. Expectations are high, particularly for the host, and when allergy triggers are added in to the mix, the festive season can be less than joyful. Enjoy the celebrations by following these top…

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Eating Out This Christmas?

Around 70% of people with allergies avoid buying takeaways due to fears about allergens and a lack of trust in the information they are given, according to recent research released by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Allergy UK. More than half of those with allergies (53%) said they avoided eating in restaurants for the…

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Is Your Christmas Tree Making You Ill?

If you find yourself reaching tissues during the holiday season, you might find that the cold you think you have may not just be symptoms of a winter flu but actually could be a sign of “Christmas Tree Syndrome.” There are now documented cases of people who have suffered allergic reactions to their Christmas trees…

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Food Allergen Legislation

On 13 December, new legislation (the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011) will require food businesses to provide allergy information on food sold unpackaged, in for example catering outlets, deli counters, bakeries and sandwich bars. There will also be changes to existing legislation on labelling allergenic ingredients in prepacked foods. Guidance has been developed…

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It’s Okay To Get A Little Dirty…

That is correct – our immune systems were designed to cope with a world full of germs. Unless you live on a farm, postindustrial life can be relatively sterile. According to the hygiene hypothesis, a lack of exposure tips the immune system toward inflammation and allergic tendencies, as does the use of antibiotics in the…

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Why Coughs Don’t Go Away

Ever wondered why coughs don’t seem to go away? The common cough is the most common reason for people to go to their local doctor. Usually, a cough only lasts for up to a couple weeks, so not that long, and is most likely related to an upper respiratory tract infection (URI), for example the…

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